How to write statement of purpose

Planning to apply for grad schools?

Dont have any idea about writing SOP?

Looking for good samples of Resume, Biodata or SOPs?

Here are some of the best statement of purpose (SOPs) documents written and got selected in various top level schools.....

low GRE GPA safe university ranking

1st of all I will like to help the people who got less GRE:
you can get admission in good universities even if your GRE score is 900-1000. I heard one student got admit in MIT with 1050 GRE score
Note:You may get admission in many private universities like FDU, St johns but don't go for them. They may admit you but these universities are less effective and have some hidden charges. always go for public (govt.) universities they are cheap and good.

If GRE 900-1100 and low GPA 55-60% , TOEFL at least 80 Apply for:
1.Kent State University Ohio.(giving air ticket to some graduate students)
A decent university, Easy admit,
low cost of living,
close to big city Cleveland,
More job opportunities
2.Univ. of Southern Mississippi ( Well known school)
good in Polymer science, engineering tech, and the fine arts.
low cost o living,
less tuition fee.
3.Indiana State University
good in education, criminology and nursing course ,
low cost of living,
Live off campus if you wanna save money
Comparatively small school
4.University of North Texas (big school less money)You will get admission easily,
Easy admit
But difficult to get scholarship, assitantship or job,
Big school
not very competitive.
good in extracurricular activities.

5.North Dakota state University (place is freezing cold)Cheap,less tuition fee,easy admit
Good in Architect and engineering,
spending a lot of money on research,
good football team.

If GRE1100-1200 TOEFL at least 80, GPA 65% above Apply for:
1.Wayne State University
a Lot of cultural diversity,
Very cold in winters,
very serious in research because they got lot of money for research,
2.Southern Illinois Univeristy
good, well known school,
great climate you can enjoy all kind of climate here,
you will get job but not right after joining, it may take 1-2 semester,
fees is comparatively high,
cheap and nice place,
Live off campus its very cheap...

3.West Virginia University(good in pieces)Cheap to live off campus
Party school so Enjoy parties, but do well in studies also
Enjoy the university football matches
good in Forestry, Geoscience, Nursing, Engineering and Business

4.University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Small city so cheap living
less jobs
5 Illinois Institute of Technology (renowned school, easy to get job)
Less girls so less chance of finding gal friend,
Small school,
Good in computer, engineering, electronics,
Good course but not easy, work hard,
No parties,
Not very good in research in sciences not easy to get scholarships,

6 University of Missouri, Rolla(name changed to Missouri university of S&T)
admitting a lot of graduate students these days, Easy Admit
so easy to get in,
small school,
small town so cheap place
comparatively less tuition fee

If GRE1100-1200 Apply for:
1University of Louisiana (city school)Good school,in City so party school
Good in computer science, environmental biologyIf GRE1200-above Apply for:
1University of Missouri, Columbia (beautiful Campus)
ooooo... Beautiful campus u will fall in love,
big school 30,000 students enrolled
high GPA more chances of admit
good in journalism, agriculture, life science
Nice climate no hot no cold
2University of Minnesota
High GRE is the key
Big school, one of the cleanest cities
Chilling cold. Great in research

3Purdue University Very selective
Great School, Big School,
Best in Engineering, Aviation
Relatively cheap

4Massachusettes Institute of TechGRE does'nt matter, good SOP
good GPA is the key

Top American Universities Ranked as per GRE score Click Here
How to write Cover Letter Click here

Have a question? Please ask your queries in the comments section.
Follow me on twitter @dogranavneet


  1. I read your blog and its really helpful :)

    Can you help me with list of some good or any univ's accepting only TOEFL and no GRE required at all?


    1. Hi Roshan,
      There are a few but wouldnt recommend you going to those school. Even if you have low GRE score, apply to those schools who ask for GR

  2. hey navneet, my TOEFL score is 73, will i get admission in US universities?

    1. Hi, 73 is a bit less but you can apply to above univs (900-1100). Remember toefl is just one part of application, if GRE or GPA is good, or research exp, then u might get admit.
      Good luck

  3. Hello Navneet! My GRE Quant score is 152 and verbal is 157 (on the revised test). I took the test just yesterday with only a week's preparation after my semester end exams at college. TOEFL has been waived for me by the universities I am applying to, inspite of that I did take my TOEFL and the results haven't reached me yet but I expect to be making atleast a100. My poor GRE score and not a very high GPA at college (60%) are big obstacles on my way. I had topped my school in the higher secondary examinations and have been a good student throughout, but marking at y college is stringent. I have a good CV and lots of involvement in extra curriular activities and also know a foreign language (German).
    Could you suggest to me a few Universities in the US where I could apply and have a good chance? Also, what would be my chances of receiving a scholarship/assistanship at those universities? What are external sources of aid?

    Please reply ASAP. Thanks in advance!

  4. Hi Navneet,

    Can you please tell me top universities for computer science.

  5. hey hai,
    can u help me in geeting a good university i am writing my GRE on july 8th and i am planning for spring in 2015 .ielets i am writing in august acadamices =63% with 18 backlogs i need avg UNIVERSITIES like UNV OF DENEVER, GANNON STATE UNIVERSITY.(reply to my mail

  6. My GRE score is 298 (Q:152 V:146,AWA 3)
    IELTS: 7
    CGPA: 3.83
    Exp: 1.5 years in research
    can you please give some phd admission university list with this profile

  7. Hi, I dont have GRE but planning to take TOEFEL and currently doing research in reputed institute in europe . I want to go US for PhD to do research in polymer science. Please are there any universities who can admit me without GRE?
